Want to improve your important relationships?
Want a better marriage?
A close connection with your adult children?
Better work relationships?
A stronger family connection?
The Relationships Matter Seminar is designed to give people practical tools to better their key relationships. And all of the information is Biblically grounded.
Dr. Jerry and Lynn Jones have presented this seminar across the nation to thousands of people wanting better connection with family and friends. And they receive testimonials of people who have reconnected with friends, healed marriages, and strengthened families because of attending this seminar.
These eight one-hour sessions will be held on Wednesday nights starting on October 2. Whether you attend one or all of them, you're sure to find something practical to help make your relationships better. But we're sure that if you attend one session, you'll want to come back for all of them.
So, come to the first session on Wednesday, October 2. It's called "Please Listen to Me" and highlights how better listening skills is the first step in building better relationships.
Schedule of Sessions
Oct 2 - Please Listen to Me
Oct. 9 - Anger, Abuse & Forgiveness
Oct. 16 - This is Not What I Expected
Oct. 23 - Addictions & Pornography
Oct. 30 - Taking Personal Inventory
Nov. 6 - Affair Proofing Your Marriage
Nov. 13 - Parenting 101
Nov. 20 - Loving Your Mate Through Life's Seasons
Our Guest Speakers
Fueled by a passion for God and ministry, Jerry and Lynn Jones conceived of Marriage Matters: A Practical and Spiritual Guide for Marriage. They had married in 1995, the second marriage for each. Jerry’s 35-year marriage ended in 1994 with the loss of his wife after a five-year battle with cancer. Lynn’s 23-year marriage ended in divorce in 1993. Seasoned by time and life experiences, Jerry and Lynn possessed a unique combination of academic and personal qualifications.
Dr Jones has been in ministry for his whole life. He's served local congregations, spoken widely at conferences and served as a university professor of Bible.
Lynn Jones has served in children's and women's ministries for decades and is an accomplished psychotherapist and psychology professor.
Together they bring a wealth of educational knowledge and practical experience in what makes good relationship thrive.