Partner With Us In Our Church Mission
We are here to serve the global mission of Jesus. It begins in our own families, and extends to our church, our community and around the world. But these efforts are only successful with the leadership and participation of everyone in our church family.
Below are links to the current and proposed ministries we offer at Maryland Heights. Some involve just a few minutes of service and others require more. Follow the link below to choose all you want to know more about and we'll answer all your questions and help you find success in fulfilling Christ's mission.

Each Sunday in worship, volunteers help during the service. Some lead from the stage and others assist behind the scenes.
Extending the Welcome—A smiling face and a welcoming spirit is all you need to welcome people to our worship services. Sharing a warm greeting and helpful information invites members and guests to come together in worship.
Leading Singing—Leading the church in praise requires some unique skills, but the most important one is a love of worshiping God. Our worship leaders select the songs, help arrange the worship service, and lead the church in worship.
Leading Communion—Communion is one of the most meaningful moments in our worship service. Volunteers are to prepare a few comments or some Scripture that helps focus our minds and then lead us in prayer before we all eat and drink together.
Scripture Reading—Reading Scripture is another important way to serve. When we read a text from the Bible, we’re sharing the very words of God. If you can read aloud with meaning, this is a wonderful way to serve our church family.
Lead Prayer—Praying together is a very personal aspect of worship. If you have a vibrant prayer life, this is a great opportunity to be the voice of our congregation as we talk to God together.
Setting Up Communion / Picking Up Communion— We need volunteers to set out the communion cups in the lobby before services or pick up the empty cups after communion during worship.
Welcoming Ministry—Greeting people with a smile helps members and guest feel at home. If you’re a people-person, this is the perfect way for you to serve.
Live Stream Operator—We need volunteers to live stream our services. It’s not complicated, but we have a video tutorial and a training program to help you feel at ease.
Presentation Operator—If you are comfortable with a computer, you can run our presentation software, advancing slides for songs, announcements and the sermon. We have video tutorials and a training program to help you learn the ropes.
Sound Operator— Sound operators often just stand by and listen to the preset volume for the microphone and videos. If you sense the volume is too soft or too loud, you’ll adjust it on the fly.
Attendance Checker—We take attendance each Sunday to help our shepherds connect with those who may be sick or hurting. Even if you don’t know every name and face, we’ll help you as you get to know the whole church family.
Security Team—These volunteers open and lock our doors and monitor our security video and lobby during Bible study and worship, all to keep our church safe.

Church Life
The first mission of the church is to provide a supportive community of
caring friends to help face the challenges and questions of life.
Encouragement Ministry—Encouraging one another in difficult times is a holy mission. To those who are sick, struggling or isolated, your phone call, card, text/email or visit reminds people that they are not alone.
Buildings and Grounds—It takes many hands to maintain our facilities. From cleaning and maintenance to mowing and landscaping, if you want a hands-on task, we’ve got a place for you to serve.
Fellowship Events—Many of the memorable events at Maryland Heights build relationships over food and activities. Whether you can plan a church-wide event or just volunteer as a helper, we’re always looking for volunteers to help our fellowship events.
Office Volunteers—We don’t have a paid office staff, so we depend on volunteers to help with some regular office tasks. Some may require you to work from our church office, but many can be done from home.
Children’s Ministry—Hosting activities for our K-5th grade children help strengthen friendships and a sense of community. Volunteers will plan and assist these activities.
​Teen Ministry— Our teens need adult mentors to serve as chaperones, host families for group gatherings and assistants for teen activities. It’s a fun way to guide our teens and stay young at heart.
Women’s Ministry—Women at Maryland Heights get together through the year for fellowship, service opportunities, and Bible study. We always need more help planning or assisting with a women’s ministry event
Men’s Ministry—We host a yearly men’s retreat and hope to also add more men’s events through the year. We need volunteers who will help plan those activities and volunteer to assist.
PrimeTimers Group—Our seniors love to get together for fellowship, Bible study and service projects. They meet monthly as well as for other activities/trips. Even if you are not a PrimeTimer, you can help this ministry.
Small Group Hosts—We have a vision to build a stronger church community through small groups. That has opened a need for people who will host groups at their home or church building, as well as volunteers who will help lead and nurture a home group.
Wednesday Night Meals— We need volunteers who love to cook to assist with our monthly Wednesday meals. Whether you do it alone or with a group of friends, we can help you plan a meal for our Wednesday night gathering.

Helping one another become stronger disciples and introducing
friends and family to Jesus is a core mission of Jesus.
Nursery Volunteers—At Maryland Heights, nursery workers don’t just keep children busy. We spend time during Bible study classes and worship teaching little ones the simple lesson the Bible at their level.
Busy Bee Ministry—During our worship service, we offer a special program for 2–5-year-olds that shares the message of Jesus at their level. If you love children and Jesus, this is a great place to serve.
K-5th Grade Classes—We offer Sunday and Wednesday classes for our K-5th graders. We’re always looking for teachers or assistants to help our children know the stories and truths of Scripture.
Teen Classes—Our 6th—12th graders meet on Sunday and Wednesday for a more advanced Bible study group. We provide curriculum to equip teachers to help our teens take ownership of their own learning.
Adult Bible Study Leaders—We host several adult Bible study classes on Sundays and Wednesdays, as well as a Tuesday women’s study group. If you are a student of Scripture, we’d like to talk with you about teaching adults. You can teach a series of lessons or just one and we’ll provide curriculum or study guides to help you prepare.
Small Group Discussion Leaders—We need Bible discussion leaders to help moderate our breakout groups or home groups. This mission is great for those who shy away from large group classes but are willing to assist small groups explore Scripture and its application.
Good News Study Leaders—Sharing the good news of Jesus can be simple. We equip men and women to share that story through a brief Bible study. Whether you share it with your friends or are asked to share it with others, you will enjoy the excitement of helping people grasp God’s good news.
New Christian Mentors—We are looking for people to help ground new Christians in the basics of the Christian life and Bible teachings. This published material will not only strengthen them but remind you of the blessings of walking with Jesus.

Serving Our Community/World
As Christians, we are called to sacrificially serve the physical and
spiritual needs of people far and near.
Fair Haven Thrift Collection—We collect lightly used items for the thrift store at the Fair Haven Children’s Home. Volunteers are needed to sort through and box up these donations and to help load them on the Fair Haven truck. This happens 3-5 times a year.
We Care Bear Ministry—A team of volunteers gather once a month to stuff teddy bears and pillows for hospitalized children. It’s a fun time together filled with laughter and conversation and the end results help comfort children in great need.
Room At The Inn Shelter—Room at the Inn gives homeless people housing and training to change their future. Their service model is changing, but we continue to support this mission and volunteer.
Christian Family Services— CFS helps children and families who are struggling through foster care, adoption, training and counseling. There are a variety of ways you can donate to or volunteer to help this important work.
​Community Helping Ministries—Based in Bridgeton, this ministry helps provide food, necessities and financial assistance to struggling families in our community. Volunteers can serve at their site or assist when our church had a drive to donate supplies
Camp Neotez—Camp Neotez is a Christian summer camp for children in this region. Volunteers are needed to help with maintenance and cleanup in the spring and fall as well as serve as staff during the summer sessions.
ACTS Campus Ministry—This campus ministry helps college students come to know Jesus and grow their faith in him. It is a St. Louis-wide effort and we support it by preparing meals for their Friday night gatherings
Nursing Home Ministry— Caring for the elderly is one of the most honorable ministries we offer. Whether you help lead worship or just visit with the residents at the NHC Nursing Home, your love for them honors God.
World Mission Support Team—We support a variety of world mission efforts, from Bible colleges to individual mission efforts. We want to build a team of people who are passionate about world missions and work to keep us informed and help encourage those who teach around the world.